Hi everyone! 
I am so happy to present my two beautiful cats on this blog.  You will see a picture of them really soon but I want to keep the surprise for a moment. So, on this blog you will see much of little games about my cats and tricks about how to take care of cat. I do that on my blog because I think that it is important to give to the entire animal, like cat, much of love.
About Tilou and Bandi, there are coming from SPA so, they had a difficult pass.  However, since their adoption, my sister and I take care really much of these beautiful creatures. Thanks to us, there are happy in their new home. I forgot to mention that Tilou and Bandi are brother with the same age, so they are staying together since their birth. They have only one year.  
Now about me, my name is Anne Vachon and I am the mother of Tilou and Bandi. I am sixteen years old and I am in secondary five. I have one sister and she helps me to take care of the cats.  My parents don’t care about them even if it was their idea to have cats. I will don’t talk much about that because I will maybe post this story on another post.  As long as talking about my parents, I can tell you that they are separate since that I have two years. I don’t have much to say about this. Anyway, it is all the information about me. 
It is already all for today, sad for you.
I hope that you will like my blog and my cats,  see you soon!

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